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What is IPT?

IPT or Integrative Processing Technique, is a technique that connects to the light inside of you. It accesses your innate power to heal. IPT uses several modalities together to help you get unstuck from unwanted behaviors, patterns and subconscious beliefs that no longer serve you.

woman holding onto light

This modality increases your ability to honor your inner child, change behavior, heal trauma and create the life you want. You will feel free and whole in a way that lasts. See our blog post, How to Heal Using Integrative Processing Technique” for more details on IPT.

The following techniques are used during an IPT session:

  • guided imagery
  • behaviorial kinesology
  • releasing negative emotions and patterns of imbalance
  • neuro linguistic programming or NLP
  • visualization
  • generational healing
  • chakra balancing
  • and inner child work.

How Does IPT Work?

First, we begin with guided imagery. It is tailored to each client’s individual life experiences, to find an age where outdated beliefs began. Secondly, we ask the client to hold onto this vision of themselves at this age, as they look at those beliefs and the events surrounding them. As they work through the steps of the process, they come to more positive resolutions about these old beliefs.

Third, we use NLP and visualization to pull out old stuck emotions and past belief systems in to shapes, colors and objects. Then, these objects become place holders for the brain and heart to store negative emotions until they are cleared out later in the process.

The brain recognizes symbols as an easy place to store those feelings, temporarily. Meanwhile, as the process continues, those symbols help to clarify one’s perspective of events that have taken place and are eventually cleared. By pulling the negative emotions out of the body and into these symbols or shapes, it clears space for the heart to receive and hold onto love and more positive belief systems. It changes your perspective of the story.

Last, the inner child is able to put words and feelings to events that have been stored as blocks in their energetic and physical systems. As these events are processed and changed for the child, the old belief systems of the past are changed as well. New beliefs are formed, healing happens and positive behaviors are instilled.

What Can I Expect From IPT Sessions?

Processing in and of itself is not traditional counseling or therapy. It does not include diagnosing or prescribing of medications.  But, this type of holistic healing promotes harmony and balance that is complementary to therapy or a powerful modality all in and of itself. It relieves stress and supports the body’s natural ability to heal by clearing emotional negativity. It brings healing to the mind, body and spirit.

Sessions typically take 1.5 hours for adults and 45 minutes for children and teens.


1 Adult Session: $100

1 Teen Session, age 12 to 18: $85

1 Child Session to age 12: $65

IPT at the Institute of Healing Arts

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